Johannes Hoesflot Klaebo


  • 1996-10-22
  • Norway
Only dead fish follow the river: Johannes Høsflot Klæbo
Only dead fish follow the river: Johannes Høsflot Klæbo
Only dead fish follow the river: Johannes Høsflot Klæbo
Only dead fish follow the river: Johannes Høsflot Klæbo
Only dead fish follow the river: Johannes Høsflot Klæbo
Only dead fish follow the river: Johannes Høsflot Klæbo


Only dead fish follow the river: Johannes Høsflot Klæbo

Norwegian cross-country skier Johannes Høsflot Klæbo, who was born in 1996, holds the record for being the youngest male skier to win the overall World Cup title (2018). He is based out of Trondheim, Norway, where he represents the Byåsen IL club. He has recently resigned with Fischer and will represent the brand for at least the next four years.

When did you start skiing?

I started skiing when I was two years old. I got my first pair of skis at Christmas from my grandpa. I thought they were new, but actually my cousin used them before. My first skiing trip was inside the house. I made a loop from the living room to the kitchen and back.

What does #livetoski means for you?

I think this is the story of my life! I have been skiing my whole life. I have been travelling around the world since many years now and it is a great adventure. I ski two times a day every single day and I love doing it. It's nothing else I would do more. Skiing is my life!

What other hobbies do you have?

I’m interested in many sports, but first of all, golf is something I’m interested in. I also like to watch Formula 1 and for sure I like to watch soccer. My goal when I was little was to become a professional soccer player, so I’ve been watching it since then. Other than that, I like to meet friends.

What are the top 3 things we should know about you?

1. I think I am quite a hard-working guy.

2. I am pretty bad at playing cello. My dad forced me to play cello for ten years, but I really suck.

3. I have a gluten allergy which sucks as well. It is pretty bad, especially when it comes to deserts, but I get through it.

Favorite Quote or Personal Motto?

Only dead fish follow the river.

What was the biggest breakthrough in your ski career?

For me personally, it was when I was 18 years old and won my first ski race as a junior. Until I was 12, I was really small and I lost a lot of ski races because of this. This victory was something special to me because it showed me that all the work I have done during the years before, to keep working on the small details and the technique, paid off.

How do you deal with pressure?

Before the Olympics in 2018, I struggled a lot with having pain in my throat every day and I was sure I would get sick. When I then crossed the finish line in first place, I felt that my throat was good. After that, I learned that the biggest pressure is what I put on myself, and some parts of me love the pressure as well. I like to put on a bib and I like to be out there to compete. My fitness can be as bad as it can be, but when I put a bib on my chest, it feels fun racing. It's something kicking in in my mind.

What advice would you give a young athlete?

The best advice I can give is to have fun. I think this is something I have been learning. Actually, do things for fun and try to follow that road as well as you can. This will help you in your life and in your ski career as well.

What is your most important role model?

I think I have two of them. When it comes to skiing, Petter Northug was definitely one whom I was looking up to. He has done some amazing things and I had the pleasure of being on the team with him. We had so much fun together and today he is a good friend of mine. But I also need to mention my grandpa, who is definitely a role model for me. I like to listen to all the stories of his life. I love autumn when I have the chance to join him in his cabin and just be up there for some days, fishing or hunting together in the mountains. The way he lives is definitely something I want to follow.

How would you characterize the Fischer brand?

I've always been curious about details, and I think definitely that is something I can see myself in Fischer. I think the way they're doing things in detail and the goals they have to make the best possible equipment is what drives them. That is the reason why they are so good at everything because they really want to make the best possible equipment and they're really motivated in doing it. I think that is one of the biggest advantages they have.

What‘s your opinion on the new Speedmax System?

I like it. I think when we start another pair of skis or a new system, you need a little bit of time to get used to it, but that happened really quickly with this one. The skis feel much lighter, much more than the older ones. We had really, really good skis during the Olympics. So far, I like it and I’m looking forward to trying the system more on longer training sessions.

Johannes Høsflot Klæbo visiting the factory in Ried

Johannes Høsflot Klæbo spent two days together with Fischer Nordic at the factory in Ried. These two days were filled with many impressions and new things for him and his service man Frode to learn: “Spending time at the factory and seeing how passionate all the workers are in making good skis impressed me a lot. Now I know how much job it takes to make a pair of skis.” Join him during his visit and take a look behind the scenes:

Johannes Høsflot Klæbo presenting the news Speedmax System

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