In order to optimally protect the base against external influences, it should be prepared with a wax layer before the upcoming summer break.
Before a wax coat is applied, dirt, dust and wax residue should be removed from the running surface. Cleaning agents (wax remover) are used for this purpose, which are available in every sports retail store. Before further treatment, you must air out the skis outdoors for at least 15 minutes. Then apply a soft, universal gliding wax with a wax iron at a temperature of between 110 ° and 130 ° (depending on the wax hardness)and evenly iron in the running direction (ATTENTION: do not leave the iron in one place = risk of overheating). For Nordic skis with climbing aids, no glide wax should get into the climbing zone. The applied glide wax cannot be removed, but must remain on the ski. The skis should be stored horizontally during the summer break with the binding facing down and at the same temperature in a room that is as dark and dry as possible.
The wax is only removed shortly before the start of the season.