Hanna Öberg


  • 1995-11-02
  • Sweden
  • 178 cm
Balance is the key: Hanna Öberg
Balance is the key: Hanna Öberg
Balance is the key: Hanna Öberg
Balance is the key: Hanna Öberg


Balance is the key: Hanna Öberg

Hanna Öberg is the leading light of the Swedish biathletes. The former cross-country skier has been skiing since the age of two. Even though she had never stood on a World Cup podium, she made a major professional breakthrough when she won gold at the 2018 Olympic Games in Pyeong Chang, Korea.


When did you start skiing?

I got my first pair of skis on my second birthday, so I have been skiing for nearly all my life.

What was your dream job when you were a child?

I think it was many different things when I was really young. But pretty soon, maybe when I was around 10 years old, my dream was to become a successful biathlete.

What was your biggest breakthrough in your ski career?

I think I’ll have to go with the most obvious one, winning the Olympic gold in Pyeong Chang. That was huge for me because I didn’t have any individual podiums in the World Cup before.

Which is your favorite place to ski and your favorite competition venue?

The absolute best skiing experiences I have is anywhere in the Swedish mountains on a sunny day during spring. I love to race at home in Östersund, but I believe Ruhpolding also will remain as a special place for me since I spent so much time there.

What is your favorite pastime / hobbies?

Mostly it’s about relaxing but a newly found hobby for me since we moved to our house is gardening. 

Where have you not been that you want to go to?

I still have some places in Sweden that I would love to see, including Gotland and Sarek National Park.


What is your favorite quote or personal motto?

Balance is the key.

What advice would you give young skiers at the beginning of their competitive career?

To enjoy what you’re doing! Of course, you need to train hard to become better but if you don’t have fun on the way, then it will not be worth it.

What does #livetoski mean to you?

I think it makes me grateful for my everyday job. I get to be outside skiing and doing other activities every day. That’s where I really can enjoy my friends, the nature and myself.

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