Embrace the moment: Magni Smedaas


Embrace the moment: Magni Smedaas

Magni Smedaas is a familiar name to every cross-country fan, especially since her victory at Marcialonga 2023. She first stood on skis at the age of 18 months and is a competitive person even in everyday life, but she is always smiling and cares for others.


What are the top 3 things we should know about you?

- I always aim to seek solutions instead of problems

- I am very competitive. If there is a person walking in front of me up a hill, there is automatically a competition going on (without the other person knowing it). I usually win.

- I absolutely love a lazy morning where I can sleep until 11 a.m. and then enjoy a long and nice breakfast and three to five cups of freshly brewed coffee.

When did you start skiing?

I have skied for as long as I can remember. I had my first trip around our house when I was 1.5 years old, and ever since then, I have dreamed of reaching the top. I started racing national races when I was 13 and then it got more and more serious. But I have always raced for fun!

When and why did you decide to go for long distance skiing in particular?

I decided to go all in on long distance skiing last year (22|23 season). There was a lot going on in my life at that time and I felt like I needed a change. I did a few races during the 21|22 season and I had so much fun. So, when I got the opportunity from Team Eksjöhus, I simply couldn’t say no. I absolutely love it!

What was your biggest moment in your skiing career?

I have two things that are my biggest moments in my skiing career. My first was when I reached my first ever top 10 in the World Cup 10k skate in Davos 2019. The second is winning Marcialonga on an epic day with so many cheerful Italians cheering along the course and lifting me up the last hill. Amazing feeling!

What is your favorite quote or personal motto?

Life is too short. Embrace the moment, appreciate the people around you and be kind, always.

Which ritual do you have before the race?

In the morning I like to do 10 minutes of yoga before breakfast. Then I eat a good breakfast, drink coffee, and put “Man! I feel like a woman” by Shania Twain on the speaker and dance it out with Frida Erkers. Then I am ready to race.

Where would you like to travel to?

I would love to travel to Machu Picchu in Peru. I have always been fascinated by Incas and the Inca Empire.

What is your favorite hobby on a day off?

On a day off my favorite hobby is to eat. I love eating. Treat myself with some nice sushi and at least 20 bites for me only. That’s the best!

How would your roommate describe you?

I think my roomie would describe me as sparkling person, always smiling and caring for others.

What does Fischer mean to you?

To me Fischer means high quality skiing equipment, exceptional expertise in making fast skis for all conditions and excellent service. Fischer means brutally fast skis.