Work on the tiny parts: Max Kroneck


Work on the tiny parts: Max Kroneck

Freeride athlete Max Kroneck, a resident of Benediktbeuern, Germany, calls Herzogstand his home resort, but Max can often be found roaming the hills around his home in search of backcountry adventure. He’s been on the Fischer team since 2014. In that time, he has learned a lot about the importance of high-quality ski construction, whether he’s ripping groomers or searching for new lines off of the skin track.  

Max Kroneck with Fischer Ranger 108 skis.

The favorite ski/boot setup for Max Kroneck says it all: the Ranger 102 paired with the Transalp Pro and a lightweight pin-binding to pull it all together.

“The on-piste/racing performance is kind of the DNA of Fischer,” Kroneck notes. “Although I never took part in racing, I learned how important every tiny sequence of a single turn is for my overall ski performance. I learned to work on those tiny parts in skiing to make it work better.”

About why he loves the Ranger 102 ski, he explains, “That’s my Swiss knife. It works for playful deep powder skiing, steep mountaineering stuff, and everything in between.” As for the Transalp Pro, his preferred ski boot, he explains that “in the last few years, the days when I’m just skiing a resort have dwindled. These days, I also go up what I slide down. Therefore the more I go up, the more I can ski down. So, of course, a good ratio of weight to downhill performance helps with choosing a boot.”  

Hannibal skis and Transalp Pro boots on a couloir entrance

Is there a particular Fischer product (current or past) that particularly resonates with you/played a part in a story you’re like to tell?

When the first Ranger 130 ski boot came out, skiing changed a lot for me.  From then on, ski touring and freeriding were no longer "separate" disciplines. Since then, I have skied more or less only on pin bindings. 

Favorite pastime/hobbies (besides skiing, of course)?

Spending time in the mountains. 

Max Kroneck portrait

How do you train for skiing during the offseason?

Training can have a bit of a negative effect on me. Just doing what feels good gives me the best preparation for the upcoming season. 

Most important role model while growing up?

I can’t say that I’ve had a concrete role model, it has been more a mixture of different people I have looked up to. I’ve always been interested in many kinds of sports and because of that, snowboarders, mountaineers, and skiers have always given me a lot of inspiration.